Hello All
Happy Friday!
Time does fly – it certainly doesn’t walk. Time ‘travels’ with space and space ‘travels’ with time. Our top scientists and physicists now say we travel through ‘space-time’.
Fifty years ago tomorrow, two men, with tens of thousands of support personnel behind them, traveled through space-time to the moon and then walked on the moon. Human history changed in huge ways forever.
The Godsign in the terminology picked and used and destined by Grace throughout those moments are really awe inspiring.
Do words and names matter? Many are acting in society right now like mean words, name calling, verbal assaults don’t matter. That is dangerous for all of us because words can change, choreograph and define our history.
In the beginning was the Word!
The 50th anniversary of mankind’s trip to the moon is not only remarkable because of how perfectly it was done, but the names, words and symbols surrounding the entire program and the two men landing on the moon is just as remarkable.
The entire fleet of spaceships and the vehicle that lifted off for the mission to land on the moon, were all named after the powerful Greek God Apollo.
The mission was number 11 – a powerful mastery number . . . imagine that.
The vehicle that landed on the moon was named Eagle and the area was referred to by Armstrong as Tranquility Base. We have discussed eagle and their messages many times in the Godsign emails. The short version is that most cultures all over the world believe Eagles represent Source, Creator, God.
Tranquility Base speaks for itself.
The first person to land on the moon has a profound connection with Indiana as a Purdue University graduate. I believe he was destined to have the first name of Neil . . . kneel . . . a very powerful act and a very powerful life. I have noticed that many named Neil, Neal, Neale are deserving of deep respect. Not all people named Neil are nice much less divine but some are Diamonds. Neil Armstrong would be the last to say this, but I will, Neil is deserving of humanity kneeling in gratitude.
And his last name of Armstrong . . . arm strong! Imagine that. His arms were strong enough to be the first to land on the moon for everyone in the world and hold the weight of the courage, sacrifices, work and determination it took from him to do that for everyone.
“The Eagle has landed.” spoken by Neil Armstrong was heard round the world and was a moment that brought us all together.
“One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind!” sealed that connection with us all.
Many of us remember exactly where we were and who we were with when we watched Neil Armstrong step onto the moon on July 20th, 1969.
date, 7-20-1969. adds up to a 7.
7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 34 3 + 4 = 7.
The year adds up to a 7. 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 25 2 + 5 = 7
Life changed on this planet on a 7 day, in the 7th month in a 7th year. Sevens can be about sacred steps Up in life. The number 7 is shaped like a step up.
7 7 7 . . . Godsign.
Do you think NASA planned to have it all happen on a 7 7 7 day, or does that seem more like our prescient Creator?
Our country was in deep and divided turmoil. Vietnam was dividing us. JFK, Bobbie and Martin Luther King had all been assassinated. The people in the Civil Rights movement seemed to be tortured backward as much as it was being brought forward. I was 10 years old and I not only remember a lot of it, but I very much remember how it felt and what a scary time it was.
It feels much like the frustration and division we are going through now.
If you mix together in Life the name of a Greek God, with the mastery number 11 along with some lucky 7s, add in a man named Neil, another man named Buzz and a Michael watching from above, that is a Divine and very Sacred mix!
The courage of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins allowed millions of us, through them, to feel like we were traveling through space. The mission of Apollo 11 to bring 3 men to the moon and back was so powerful it still brings us together as one people and gives us a way to remember a moment we were all proud to be Americans. It was one of the only ‘great’ times in America at that time. Their accomplishments and the grace and dignity with which they accomplished them showed us then and reminds us now of what we can achieve when we come together, and work together to bring greatness to our Earth, and to all of us as Earth’s people.
My gratitude to all those who were involved is deep and eternal for what they helped a 10 year old little girl believe and know about the good that was possible in our world after seeing and feeling so much sorrow in society during that time.
Fifty years later I kneel to them all for the honor their work and sacrifices brought to us all and continues to bring to our planet and humankind.
I wish for all of us many moments ahead where we all feel proud again to be an American!
On The Moon”
by Sting and The Police
steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs don’t break
Walking on the moon
We could walk forever
Walking on the moon
We could live together
Walking on, walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Walking back from your house
Walking on the moon
Feet they hardly touch the ground
Walking on the moon
My feet don’t hardly make no sound
Walking on, walking on the moon
Some may say
I’m wishing my days away
No way
And if it’s the price I pay
Some say
Tomorrow’s another day
You stay
I may as well play
Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs don’t break
Walking on the moon
We could walk forever
Walking on the moon
We could be together
Walking on, walking on the moon
Some may say
I’m wishing my days away
No way
And if it’s the price I pay
Some say
Tomorrow’s another day
You stay
I may as well play
Keep it up, keep it up . . .
Eagle’s Wings
by Michael Joncas
he will raise you up
on eagle’s wings
there you are
the breath of dawn
make you to shine like the sun
and hold you in the palm of his hand.
would dwell in the shelter of the lord
who abides in his shadow for life
Say to the lord, “My refuge”
“My rock in whom I trust”.
he will raise you up
on eagle’s wings
there you are
the breath of dawn
make you to shine like the sun
and hold you in the palm of his hand.
need not fear
the terror of the night
nor the arrow that flies by day
though thousands fall around you
Near you, it shall not harm.
he will raise you up
on eagle’s wings
there you are
the breath of dawn
make you to shine like the sun
and hold you in the palm of his hand.
to his angels
He’s given, a command
To guide you in all of your ways
Upon their thrones
they not, there you are
lest you clash your foot against the storm.
he will raise you up
on eagle’s wings
there you are
the breath of dawn
make you to shine like the sun
and hold you, and hold you
He will hold you in the palm of his hand.
Please LIKE and SHARE The Godsign Institute on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and share the ‘Knowing’ with others to get Uplifting messages every week like the ones below!

Please share them with others to make this a much better world! Right now, we all need all the help we can get oxo
Please keep all those effected by devastating ‘out-of-nowhere’ tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
My second book is now available!
Click below to order Poetry from a butterfly in the Garden
Click below to order my first book A butterfly in the Garden
Meeting First Friday, August 2nd, at 6:30

Many in our world are aware and know that although their loved one’s Spirit has passed into Heaven the sacred and eternal communications and connections with their loved ones still continue with them after death.
The Griffin Grief Group’s mission is to help everyone learn to strengthen, use and honor the many and varied Sacred Messages received from loved ones in Spirit. Over time, these sacred messages and communications help ease grief through the eternal bonds of God’s Love and Grace.
Whether you have lost your parent or child, spouse or friend, the loss and grief can feel like it will consume your heart. The Griffin Grief Groups are here to help you connect through Spirit with your loved one in Spirit. You will meet others who?understand deep grief from their own experiences. Sharing the eternal Connection we all are capable of knowing, seeing and using in our daily life from our loved ones in Heaven allows each of us to realize how deep and everlasting their love is for us in God’s eternal Home and helps lessen grief.
Our group meets the First Friday’s of every month at
Inner Path,
the cost is $15
See additional info at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
Spirit Salon
Side at New Age People
5:30 – 7:00 pm
July & August
Cost is $11
Energy Grids, Vortexes, EMF’S
Using the Good,
Protection from the Bad
In July and August the Spirit Salon will be exploring Earth’s energy grids and vortexes. We will learn about the natural energy that Earth gives to us through her energy grids as well as what the Electro-magnetic Energy Fields (EMFs) are doing to our planet and each of us. We will talk about our Mother Earth’s ‘heartbeat’ – the Schumann Resonance – and what our ‘wireless’ world may be doing to her and us as well as ways of protecting ourselves. It will be a very energizing, electrifying time on Tuesday evening.
Come enjoy your trip! The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Tuesday nights from 5:30-7:00 at New Age People.
For additional info visit New Age People at www.newagepeople.com Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome!
Spirit Salon
South Side at Inner Path
– 8:00 pm
July & August
Cost is $11
UFO Disclosure, Ghosts, Spirits & Dimensions
In July & August, the Spirit Salon is heading into orbit discussing the Cosmic world around us exploring UFOs, Disclosure, inter-dimensional beings and the mummies in Nazca, Peru that are not of this world. We will also discuss the differences between ghosts, spirits and the tiny fairies. It will be an out-of-this-world time.
Come enjoy your trip! The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 at Inner Path
See additional info for this class and Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome
South Side at Inner Path
6:30 – 8:00 pm
July & August
Cost is $11
Energy Grids, Vortexes, EMF’S
Using the Good,
Protection from the Bad
In July and August Fun Fridays will be exploring Earth’s energy grids and vortexes. We will learn about the natural energy that Earth gives to us through her energy grids as well as what the Electro-magnetic Energy Fields (EMFs) are doing to our planet and each of us. We will talk about our Mother Earth’s ‘heartbeat’ – the Schumann Resonance – and what our ‘wireless’ world may be doing to her and us as well as ways of protecting ourselves. It will be a very energizing, electrifying time on Friday evenings.
Fun Fridays are led by Annie Truesdell and meet Friday nights, except First Fridays, from 6:30-8:00 at Inner Path. Cost is $11.
See additional info for this class and Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome
Please keep all those effected by devastating Terrorism and War tragedies in your prayers, and FOR ALL THE THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DYING, RUNNING FROM MEN WITH GUNS AND WARS, SCARED. Send them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
GET RID OF GUNS. If anyone is needing help getting rid of a gun, please let me know. I am happy to help get it or you or both to the nearest police station. They will take any guns and destroy them. I have a number of police officer friends that can also assist us.
And the Children shall lead them . . .
You can always look over past few weeks of Godsign™ messages by going to our Godsign Institute page on FACEBOOK!
You can say HELLO to Godsign™ on our FACEBOOK page.
And we really wish you would!
The techno-gurus say that one of the best ways to spread your ‘good stuff’ around the world these days is to be “LIKED” on Facebook. We would LOVE IT IF YOU LIKED US!!
Please visit us as www.facebook.com/godsigninstitute
Give us a thumbs way UP!
“Click” to us today and say Hello!
Looking for?a
A butterfly
in the Garden

I will be happy to sign any book – just let me know!
Please keep all those effected by awful tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
© Annie Truesdell, 2012
The Godsign Daily Gratitude
Prayer Meditation To Our
Divine Source
Thank You for the great experiences that I will have today.
Thank You for the abundance of love that I will give and receive.
Thank You for the divine guidance I understand.
Thank You for there always being enough of what I need always, in all ways so that I may share.
Go to www.godsigninstitute.com for details.
Click on Classes We hope to see you there
This Dialogue is
Non-Denominational, Non-Judgmental
Are Welcome, Because God Created the All.
We are all One, one Mind,
one Energy, one Universal Spirit.